Independent retailers in Castle Douglas town centre are being encouraged to enrol in the “Let’s Talk Shop” programme, a free course of specialised Shop Doctor support.

Bill Smith, the Shop Doctor, will be delivering his informative and motivational retail master-class, “Let’s Talk Shop” workshop to retailers on the evening of Monday 23rd June. The evening starts at 6.30pm at Castle Douglas Town Hall, and there are high hopes for a big turn out from town centre businesses. Business owners attending will have an opportunity to share ideas on how the economic vitality of independent retailers in Castle Douglas can be enhanced.

In addition to the master-class, independent retailers in the town will qualify to receive an “in store” surgery from The Shop Doctor enabling them to directly benefit from his specialised advice.

Each of the shops enrolled for the “one to one” visits will also receive a comprehensive report focused on helping to re-energise each of the individual businesses participating, and be eligible for a £500 grant towards the implementation of recommendations made by the Shop Doctor. A follow-up check-up will be arranged 12 months later.

Councillor Colin Smyth, Chair of the Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said:
“Many of our town centres are struggling at the moment, so expert and impartial advice is always welcome. In many cases retailers don’t have to spend a fortune to benefit from the Shop Dr’s advice and our high streets could be completely transformed. I would encourage all independent retailers in Castle Douglas to get involved in this programme.”

To register for the ‘Let’s Talk Shop’ workshop, contact the Council on 030 33 33 3000 and ask for Grant Coltart in Economic Development or email [email protected]

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