NHS Dumfries and Galloway have carried out a two day exercise to test plans for the transfer of patients to the new hospital when it opens in December this year.
Working in partnership with Scottish Ambulance Service, the local Council, Police and Fire Services, and removal company Harrow Green, NHS D&G has planned the four day move from the existing DGRI to the new hospital in fine detail.
The exercise provided the opportunity to test out many aspects of these plans including transfer of patients, staff resource, identified routes across the town, and a specialist patient tracker system designed specifically for the move. Using the system allowed teams involved in the exercise at both sites to track the patient journey, from the point of leaving the ward at DGRI right up to being received onto a ward at the new hospital.
Jeff Ace, Chief Executive for NHS Dumfries and Galloway said:
“The migration exercise is another significant milestone in our planning for the move to the new hospital. I’m pleased with the outcomes and learning over the two days and big thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the planning and execution of this intensive exercise. The test has highlighted the importance of involving partner organisations months in advance of the move; everyone worked well together, all focussed on the safe and smooth transfer of the patients