Dumfries and Galloway Alcohol and Drug partnership are organising a multi-agency drugs conference to ensure local emergency services are aware of current trends and dangers which could possibly become apparent to emergency services. The event will be held at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service training base in Garroch Loaning in Dumfries and will be attended by local frontline officers from Police Scotland, the Fire and Rescue Service, HMP Dumfries and the Scottish Ambulance Service. The training will be exclusively aimed at substance misuse issues which are pertinent to the emergency services. The training will be provided by Vicki Craik of Crew 2000. This was organised after localised issues were reported in respect of New Psychoactive Substances within HMP Dumfries earlier this year. The event will have two seminars, commencing at 9am on Wednesday 21st February, 2018.
Chief Superintendent Gary Ritchie, ( main Image) Local Police Commander, Dumfries and Galloway Division of Police Scotland states ” Sharing experiences across services is a great way to learn and to look at some serious issues from alternative perspectives. Our shared aim is of course to keep our communities safe and protected from harm and it is really important to recognise that new psychoactive substances pose a real and immediate threat. Having as detailed and comprehensive an appreciation of the scope of the problem is crucial for all agencies and will help us to shape a response that will reduce the impact and limit the harm that these substances cause.”
Keith Waddell, HMP Dumfries states “We are delighted to have this opportunity to support this partnership event looking at the impact of Psychoactive Substances within our communities. We are acutely aware of the damage that drugs have on those within our care, and we hope that events such as today will help raise awareness of this important subject. We are equally aware of the impact that drugs have on local communities in Scotland, and it is encouraging that we have this opportunity to not only help create a safe and secure environment for prisoners in our care, staff and visitors, but also to work with our key partners to help realise Scottish Government’s vision of creating a Safer Scotland.”
Hamish McGhie, Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue states “It gives me great pleasure as Local Senior Officer for the D&G area to host this multi-agency event for the emergency services on drug awareness. The availability of substances in varying forms create issues for all emergency services and the safety of their personnel. These events provide an opportunity for learning between organisations and awareness of these substances to reduce the risk to personnel, increase their knowledge and safety. We will continue to work together in the future on a range of subjects so that emergency responders are provided with the most up to date information to carry out their role safely.”
Scott Jardine , Substance Misuse Coordinator for Police Scotland, Dumfries and Galloway Alcohol and Drug Partnership, said “This training was organised after local issues were identified in respect of the use of New Psychoactive Substances. The aim of the event is to provide training to all emergency services on local trends, the dangers of New Psychoactive Substances and on drugs in general. It will also allow the delegates attending the opportunity a platform to share experiences which will allow for better partnership awareness and ultimately by doing this ensure that Dumfries and Galloway remains a safe place to work and live. “