POLICE officers in Annan want the help of the community to trace someone who attempted to steal a handbag from a woman in the town on Friday 23 February 2018. Just after 11am on Friday morning the 49 year old woman from the town was walking through the alley which leads from Shawhill Road through to Kimmeter Square when she was approached by a person who attempted to pull her bag from her. The attempt failed and the person made off. The incident happened so quickly the woman was not able to get any description at all of the would be thief.
Constable Jim Bell at Annan said “we would like to hear from anyone who may have been in the area of Shawhill Road/Kimmeter Square/Turnberry Crescent on Friday morning if they saw or heard anything suspicious. We are also keen to hear from anyone who may have had a similar experience and perhaps not reported the matter to the police. We can be contacted at Annan through the 101 number, and the reference PDG 0039410218.”