Multi-award winning Photographer from New Galloway, Duncan McNaught has had another one of his stunning images shortlisted for a top award recently. Duncans image of some Inkcaps has been entered into the final selection for the 2019 British photography Awards in te Macro Photography Section.
Duncan told DGWGO “I entered the competition a few months back with a few landscapes shot from Dumfries and Galloway and two macro shots of fungi, one of my fungi shots has been shortlisted which I’m over the moon with, the competition is a world wide event with 3,700 photographers taking part
Duncan received this message from the organisers
“We are delighted to be able to share with you that you have had imagery shortlisted by our judges for the 2019 British Photography Awards! Our judges had their work cut out from them selecting their best this year, but we are pleased to tell you your work was among the top 240 images from across the world”
Duncan took the image at Glenlee Village in Dumfries and Galloway using his Canon 5dmk4 with canon 100mm macro lens f6.3 1/30th sec iso 320, handheld led light, reflector and manfrotto tripod.
Duncan said “Inkcaps must be my favourite fungi to photograph, they dont last long so it’s always a treat to find some nice specimens before they wither and die. This particular group were in a rather dark part of the forest so I decided to use my hand help led torch with some coloured plastic of the lens to create some nice light.
I also placed a piece of craft reflective card behind the fungi to bright more light into the shot. This image is the result of several shots stacked together in photoshop to create more depth of field. I also used my remote cable release between each shot to prevent any movement.”
Duncan continued “I’m in need of as many public votes as possible to give me a chance to win the public choice and attend the awards ceremony in London at the Savoy in January 2019 . People just need to open the link to vote for my photo, I thank everyone who votes for me in advance, every vote counts and is very much appreciated.
To Vote for Duncan please click HERE