Pulpils and teachers were evacuated from Stanraer Academy in Dumfries ands Galloway, at lunchtime today Monday the 25th of February after a fire had broken out in the toilets.
Earlier today there was a post issued on the schools facebook page stating “The decision has been made by the Headteacher and Senior Management to close the school effective immediately. The closure is a result of an earlier incident at the school that all parents / carers were notified about via Groupcall. We would like to repeat that all pupils are safe.”
This evening a further post stated “School Re-Opens Tomorrow
This is a message to confirm that the school will re-open as normal tomorrow, Tuesday 26th of February 2019.
The boys toilets at the front of the school will be unavailable until the damage has been repaired fully. Amey have arranged for a specialist clean up team to be in the school this evening/overnight to clean and repair other associated damage in the vicinity of the affected area.”