
Licensing Booklet Launched – Dumfries And Galloway

Constable Ronnie Boyce, based within the Community Policing Team at Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway has been working with partners in the licensing trade to create and launch a new booklet to assist licensees throughout Dumfries and Galloway.

The booklet provides information covering a number of areas including crime prevention, public safety and premises security.
Constable Ronnie Boyce said’ The idea is to provide the same helpful, consistent and practical information and guidance to licensees across the whole region, helping them prevent and manage incidents within their premises.

The new booklets include guidance on a number of topics, such as how to put together a premises drugs policy, what to do if you find drugs, CCTV, stewarding and the type of information to record if there is an adverse incident in the premises’.

Scott Sheppard, licensee at The Arkhouse Inn in Stranraer and Pub Watch coordinator for the Stranraer and District scheme said “I think the new booklet is a good way of providing guidance and support to all licensed premises. It allows all the premises in Dumfries and Galloway to be working on the same model, with the same information, whether on drug policy or recording incidents”.
“The Scottish Licensed Trade Association were very supportive of the booklet” continued Constable Boyce, “They provided funding towards the printing costs to ensure we could have enough for each of the licensed premises in Dumfries and Galloway, and we owe them a real vote of thanks.
It’s through my links with the local Pubwatch scheme in Stranraer and some of the issues that get discussed, that we realised there was an opportunity to do something to really build upon that strong partnership approach we have with local license holders.
We really hope that this type of initiative helps provide guidance and support to Licensees, not just in Stranraer but across the region. Its only by working together with our local licensees and our partners in this way, that we can really make inroads in terms of promoting public safety and premises security, and creating a strong, safe and vibrant licensing economy to everyone’s advantage”.

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