
Carson welcomes ‘imminent’ publication of long-awaited transport study

Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson has welcomed that the publication of a long-awaited transport study for the south-west is set to be published imminently.


The local MSP has been told by theScottish Transport Secretary, Michael Matheson MSP, that the South West Scotland Transport Study draft report will be published “In early June.”


Mr Carson calls came after the Scottish Government’s failure to publish the report despite being told it would be available early in 2019.


Mr Carson is currently running a petition calling for the region’s roads to be repaired which has hit over 2,000 signatures with constant complaints from constituents that the region is forgotten in terms of transport infrastructure.


Mr Carson has welcomed the news, but says the report should be published without any further delays.


Commenting Finlay Carson MSP said: “The south-west Scotland transport study has been a long time coming, and it is welcome that a draft report appears now to be imminent.
“It is however disappointing that the report has been delayed for months, at a time when our roads continue to deteriorate and our transport infrastructure is in need of urgent investment.
“The Scottish Government said this report would be published late last year or early this year, but we have had to wait until June to see its findings.
“The report must now be published without any further delays.
“With my petition calling for the region’s roads to be repaired passing 2,000 signatures, it is clear that constituents are sick and tired of waiting for transport investment.
“I will continue to keep up the pressure on the Scottish Government to ensure this report can be discussed as soon as possible.”

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