UNESCO Biospheres are a global network of outstanding landscapes that exhibit a special relationship between people and the environment. The Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere was the first one designated in Scotland and this accolade is a great testament to the unique properties of the area.
The Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere has a vision to make life in our Biosphere better while caring for the natural environment. A key strand of this is the education of the next generation biosphere residents in sustainable development, increasing awareness and connections with the ‘working countryside’.
The Biosphere Explorers project, run by the Crichton Carbon Centre and funded by the Hollywood Trust and the Galloway Glens Scheme, is working towards this aim with an education programme delivered in schools consisting of a series of workshops aimed at increasing knowledge of the local natural environment and human interactions with it. This project will run for two years and will be focussed on school age children, with elements for all residents of the area.
These workshops are being led by the Biosphere Explorers Officer, Shalla Gray. Shalla said:
“Biosphere Explorers is a fantastic project run by the Crichton Carbon Centre aimed at getting children and young people out and about in the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere. We have been working with schools in the Glenkens to enthuse the children about the beautiful area we live in and encourage them to protect and conserve our natural environment.
I look forward to future workshops and please keep abreast of the project progress through the blog on the Crichton Carbon Centre website www.carboncentre.org”
The Crichton Carbon Centre’s Dr Emily Taylor, overseeing the project, added:
“Mindful of the recent declaration of a Climate ‘Emergency’, it is clear that the next generation will need to be well informed on local and global environmental issues. This project embeds that knowledge through a series of activities and workshops, and is a great example of partnership working with the UNESCO Biosphere. Many thanks to Galloway Glens Scheme and Hollywood Trust for funding this really important work.”