
Region’s Electric Charging Points On The Increase Thanks To Asset Fleet Funds

Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee will meet on Tuesday 10 March and will hear about progress within the region’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Councillors will receive a report detailing that twelve charging bays in Dumfries and eight in Stranraer will be live before the end of the financial year. As well as this, work between the region’s two largest towns is also underway, with Market Hill in Castle Douglas earmarked as a site for eight charging bays, with work due to begin imminently.

These additions will bring the total number of charging points up to more than fifty within Dumfries and Galloway, with fifty-two points available once the works at Dumfries, Castle Douglas and Stranraer has been completed.

As well as increasing charging ports for the public, the report also states the Council itself is making stealthy progress in it’s aim to decarbonise its fleet by 2025. Five electric vehicles will be purchased and a further plan to increase the number of electric vehicles over the next five years is well underway.

Councillor Andy Ferguson, who Chairs Communities committee said;

“I welcome this report, and in particular the figures on increasing electric charging points across the region. There’s no doubt that we’ll see economic boosts with these charging points as people pull of the A75 to charge up, they’ll take a wander into our towns whilst their vehicle charges for the next leg of their journey.”

The report also details the Council’s intention to purchase two new buses. These buses link into public transport provision, something which is of vital importance to a rural area such as Dumfries and Galloway.

Councillor John Martin, who is Vice-Chair of Communities Committee commented;

“The purchase of the new buses demonstrates our Council’s commitment to improving public transport. We know there are issues to overcome throughout the region, but with the very best vehicles available we can make progress in relation to public transport provision.”

Papers for the meeting will be available on our website later this week https://dumfriesgalloway.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=148&MId=5056