Have Your Say About Affordable Housing In Penpont, Keir & Tynron

KPT Development Trust have introduced an Affordable Housing Needs and Demand Survey for their area, to support a possible future housing project.

The local development trust for the three communities of Keir, Penpont and Tynron have got together with the Dumfries and Galloway Small Communities Housing Trust (DGSCHT) to produce a needs and demand survey for affordable housing in their area, located in the beautiful Mid Nithsdale region of Dumfries and Galloway.

The Affordable Housing Group formed within the Trust,  have commissioned the DGSCHT to create and conduct the initial Survey, with the aim to identify the needs of those living in the communities, as well as future demand for those with an interest in moving into the area.

The survey has been created with a total of 27 questions covering topics such as type of property required, preferred energy source and even the interest in the inclusion of a community hub as part of a development. It has been created online via Survey Monkey and can also be completed via email and paper copy.

Maureen Halkett Chairman of KPT Development Trust has stated “This survey is deemed a priority due to our decreasing and ageing population.  As well as current demand we need to identify if we can attract a new, younger demographic to our area.  The Trust is all about developing a present and future sustainable community, and the survey will help us identify if the introduction of more affordable housing to our area will help us work towards our goals.” 

The Trust are encouraging those local and ALL INDIVIDUALS in D&G who have an interest in affordable housing in the Penpont, Keir and Tynron area, to complete the survey which should take no longer than 10 minutes.

Mike Staples, the Chief Executive of Dumfries and Galloway Small Communities Housing Trust has fully endorsed this Survey with the following statement:

“DGSCHT works with communities across the region to identify and appraise local housing needs and then work to secure community-led solutions.  The organisation is currently supporting fifteen community organisations across the region to develop and deliver affordable homes.  This Housing survey is the first phase of this process and will allow us to understand the scale and nature of demand across the KPT communities.  We’re looking forward to working with KPT Development Trust to develop a project and the more people we hear from now, the more informed we can be!”

The online version of the survey is currently running and will continue to do so for the next two months, to get as much needed information as possible to make it a meaningful survey. The results will guide and dictate any possible future housing projects in the area.

The online survey can be accessed on the following link:


If you would prefer to complete the email version or receive a paper copy please contact Senga Greenwood, Development Officer for the Trust on 07873 320824 or email [email protected].

If you want to keep up-to-date with Keir, Penpont and Tynron Development Trust’s activities, please visit their Facebook page:


or website: https://www.kptdevelopmenttrust.org.uk/

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