What happens when the Furlough scheme ends?
Cunninghame Housing Association’s Financial Inclusion Team can provide advice and information for their tenants on what happens when the furlough scheme ends and information on the UK Government’s new Job Support Scheme.
The team are there to support their tenants and can provide advice on income maximisation, ensuring access to welfare benefits, how to access appropriate debt advice, financial products and services such as basic bank accounts, credit unions and affordable low cost loans and increasing customer financial capability.
Cunninghame Housing Association can also provide advice on fuel poverty through their Citrus Energy Lemon Aid service which can help you apply for services you may be entitled to such as white goods schemes, discounts on your energy bills, benefits and many other services.

A Cunninghame Housing Association spokesperson said “The Coronavirus Jobs Retention Scheme, better known to most as the Furlough scheme, will come to an end on 31 October 2020.
Many of our tenants will be worrying about what happens next. There is a new UK scheme starting on 1 November 2020, called Job Support Scheme that could continue to help employees financially, but we know some people might end up facing redundancy, and appreciate how worrying this will be.
If you would like any advice or assistance in relation to this, please contact one of CHA’s Financial Inclusion Team “