Crichton Carbon Centre Launch Peatland Connections Project

Peatland Connections is a new and exciting Crichton Carbon Centre project that will take you on a journey to re-discover our diverse and unique Scottish peatlands  in the heart of Dumfries and Galloway. This three-year project, funded by the Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership Scheme and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, will explore the many connections we have to this sometimes-forgotten landscape.

It is widely appreciated that healthy peatlands store carbon, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, support unique plants and animals and have a role to play in water quality and regulation. This project will not only explore how we can help support peatland restoration and management in the Galloway Glens area to maximise these benefits, but will also bring alive our peatlands by celebrating their rich history and culture of stories, songs and ancient myths.

The project will culminate with an exhibition that will bring together arts and science to tell the entire journey of Peatland Connections and demonstrate the multifaceted value of peatlands and how this should inform peatland management.

Jayne Murdoch, Project Officer for Peatland Connections, says, “I aim to connect with as many different people as possible so we can better understand the importance of peatlands and the benefits they have for us all. I want to ask everyone: what do peatlands mean to you? We want communities and organisations throughout the Galloway Glens to get involved in field trips, research and workshops. Watch this space for events!”.

You can find more information on this project at .

Nick Chisholm, Project Officer for The Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership, says,“Peatlands are such a special habitat, a habitat that is often misuderstood and in the past has been neglected. Well managed peatlands are a critical part of helping mitigate climate change. This project will help to inspire and educate the communty about the treasure that is on their doorstep. We at the Galloway Glens Scheme are really pleased to see the project starting and look forward to sharing more news as it comes through.”

The Crichton Carbon Centre is an independent research, policy, and project centre based in Dumfries and Galloway.  We turn research on climate change and sustainable living into action.  Peatland Connections would like to thank our funders Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership for making the project possible.

For more information on this topic please contact Jayne Murdoch at [email protected]

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation aims to improve our natural world, secure a fairer future and strengthen the bonds in communities in the UK. We unlock change by contributing everything we can alongside people and organisations with brilliant ideas who share our goals.

The Foundation is one of the largest independent grant-makers in the UK. In 2019 we made grants of £36 million towards a wide range of work within the arts, children and young people, the environment and social change. We also have a £45 million allocation to social investments for organisations with the aim of creating social impact.

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