As we approach the winter months COVID cases in Dumfries and Galloway continue to rise with no levelling out currently in sight.
In the week ending Sunday 14th November a total of 812 new cases was recorded, up from 698 the week before.
Numbers of people identified as close contacts of positive cases have increased to 1548, up from 1423 the week before.
Andrew Rideout, Consultant in Public Health at NHS Dumfries and Galloway, said:
“We have been continuing to see increasing numbers of COVID cases within the region over the last few weeks, with data suggesting those who are not vaccinated being more affected.
“For this reason we are encouraging everyone to take up the opportunity for full COVID vaccination, as well as the flu vaccination if eligible.
“The ongoing increase in cases we have being recording since the end of the summer is impacting to varying degrees on services, staffing, the ability for businesses to function, and on our communities as a whole.
“So we really do need everyone to do what they can to help. As we find ourselves indoors more the potential for spread is of ongoing concern. We know that COVID relies upon close interaction to move from person to person, and that we can do a lot to prevent transmission of the virus.
“Wearing a face covering in indoor public spaces remains important, as does giving very careful thought to how, and in what environment, our interactions for work and socially take place.
“Taking up the opportunity for regular testing is very important. This can provide a degree of confidence around our interactions, helping to catch cases early when they do occur and giving close contacts the chance to help prevent further spread.
“Vaccinations currently offer the highest degree of protection against COVID. This means that if you are unfortunate enough to contract the virus it is hoped you will be protected against its worst effects.”
For information on testing, visit
For information on vaccinations, visit