
New Job Opportunity For Mid & Upper Nithsdale Transport Project – N76 Development Officer

An exciting opportunity to work with communities on sustainable transport solutions has emerged in Dumfries & Galloway and East Ayrshire!

Network 76 in Motion (N76) is a multi-year project developed together by 6 communities on or around the A76 with support from national charity Community Energy Scotland. The partnership have now confirmed funding for the first year of N76 and are looking for a locally minded, proactive and passionate individual to take on the role of N76 Project Officer!

The post will be housed within Community Energy Scotland and during the first year will focus on community consultation and capacity building; including baseline data gathering, a programme of events, and local transport plans produced with each participating community. Applications are welcomed with the closing date of 5pm on the 7th of December.

New Cumnock Development Trust, Kirkconnel and Kelloholm Development Trust, Sanquhar Enterprise Company, Keir, Penpont and Tynron Development Trust, Nith Valley Leaf Trust and Moniaive Initiative have come together with a shared interest in finding sustainable solutions to local transport problems.

The partnership has recognised a number of barriers to local people making more sustainable transport choices and believe that working collaboratively to address these will help to create long term solutions which bring benefit across the project area. The N76 Project Officer will be essential to the project and will spend time building relationships with local organisations as well as regional and national transport stakeholders. The N76 team hope to recruit someone based in the project area with lived experience of the local transport systems and an understanding on needs, barriers and opportunities for sustainable transport in the area.

A massive thank you to Paths for All, Dumfries and Galloway Council, National Lottery Awards for All, and the Annandale & Nithsdale Community Benefit Company, for providing the support required to make this happen.

A full application pack for the post is available at: https://communityenergyscotland.org.uk/useful-links/careersopportunities/ and any inquires can be made to [email protected] or your local N76 project partner!

We look forward to hearing from anyone interested in the post!

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