
Loreburn Reaffirms Pledge To Local Services at AGM

Loreburn welcomed members to its Annual General Meeting this week when the Association gave an update on activities, finance and performance, and looked ahead to the future.

The first in person meeting in recent years, the meeting was well attended by shareholding members.

Russell Brown, Convener gave an overview of the year, reporting on the difficult operating environment facing the sector, acknowledging that budgetary pressures would still exist as Loreburn strives to deliver all it can for tenants in the coming year.

Recognising the impact on tenants struggling with the rising costs of living, the Association had assisted over 1600 households across the region last Winter, with a range of practical and direct financial support measures, made possible by various successful funding awards.

The Association had delivered 70 new homes and invested £1.56 million on upgrades. £2.1 million had been spent on responsive repairs. Tenant satisfaction with repairs was high, at 92%, exceeding the sector average of 88%.

The Convener also commented on the rent setting exercise being one of the most difficult Loreburn’s Management Committee had faced when trying to balance the increased costs of maintaining and investing in homes alongside rent affordability.

In her CEO report, Kirsteen McGinn spoke about current development of Loreburn’s strategic plan, which will steer the direction of the Association for the next five years, to 2029. Achievements in the year were marked and plans for improvements received a focus.

Commenting on the event, Kirsteen said “We were delighted with the turnout and keen level of interaction and discussion from tenants and other stakeholders in our communities”.

“We were able to answer important questions around future development plans and to re-state the commitment to localised service delivery through our Hub, Home and Roam working model, among other things”.

Thanking tenants, staff and Management Committee members for their support and contributions during the year, the Convener confirmed the pledge to Loreburn’s purpose and mission.

“Though the current period has its challenges, we are in a strong position to ensure the delivery – and improvement – of core services remains a key priority for Loreburn as a small, community-based association”.

More information about the Association’s performance will be available in the Annual Report to Tenants which will be published on the website at the end of the month.

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