

Children say “thank you” to Penninghame volunteer Leanne

Penninghame Primary School and Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Community Learning and Development service said a massive ‘thank you’ to Leanne McDowall at a recent school assembly. Leanne has been a very valued volunteer who has been going into Penninghame Primary School over the last year to volunteer.
Leanne has taken part in many of the activities during her time in Penninghame. She began her volunteering by taking part in their ‘Wider Experience’ time on a Friday. Pupils at Penninghame take part in a chosen activity and learn new skills. These activities are delivered by teachers, senior high school pupils, parents and a variety of people and organisations within the local community. The programme provides the children with wider experiences and encourages them to try new activities.
Parents, community groups, senior pupils and volunteers help deliver Curriculum for Excellence to provide children with a broad range of skills which will help them in everyday life now and the future. Leanne was an invaluable member of the team who delivered such activities as – food hygiene; cooking and story craft. Leanne enjoyed this so much she began volunteering in school on a regular basis. Leanne has built up a great relationship with both staff and pupils and has become part of the team.
Penninghame Primary School continues to recognise the benefit of volunteers in this programme and through working with community Learning and Development, is now offering training to parents and community members who wish to come into school to volunteer. Volunteering within primary schools not only helps the children but it also offers volunteers an opportunity to add to their CVs and gain recognised awards.
Leanne began her volunteer journey with Community Learning and Development by taking part in a summer activity programme for parents and families. This gave her confidence to volunteer doing her dream job of ‘classroom assistant’ in a local primary school. Leanne recently was awarded a certificate on National Volunteer Week and will also be awarded a Saltire Award having been one of the select few volunteers in Dumfries and Galloway to dedicate over 500 volunteer hours.
Leanne when speaking of her volunteering journey states that – “Volunteering has made me a stronger person, I have gained self-confidence and self-esteem and this has made me and my family much happier. The most rewarding thing for me about volunteering is that I can see how the children have progressed and I can say ‘I helped them’ to get this far.”
Councillor Tom McAughtrie as Chair of the Council’s Community and Customer Services Committee thanked Leanne for all her hard work and congratulated her on her awards. He said;
“Leanne has clearly been a committed volunteer and there are many children and young people who have benefited from her input. I wish Leanne well for the birth of her child and I very much hope that she continues volunteering in the future.”
Leanne is due a baby in April and is now taking a break and concentrating on family time. She does however hope to return to volunteering in the future.

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