Parents of pupils at Lorburn primary school held a peaceful protest outside Council HQ, Dumfries, this week regarding relocation of the Primary School.
Heather Knaggs, Interim Chair of the Loreburn Primary Parent Council Stated Further to the vote at Education Committee response
“The parent body of Loreburn Primary School are disappointed but not surprised at the outcome of the Education Committee vote this week,but more than that we are disgusted at the undemocratic manner in which this has been undertaken.
Council Officers are pushing forward a plan based on an old consultation from a significantly different previous plan for locating Loreburn in the Minerva building. Their report, and the minimal discussion of it today, heavily relied on a scoring system which included a stakeholder engagement score for all proposals.
We would like to make clear that there has been zero stakeholder engagement from the council, our attempts to engage and be included in the discussion have also been largely ignored.
They issued the proposals only 7 days in advance to minimise the opportunity for scrutiny. Educational professionals talk about Getting IT Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) and today councillors did not get it right for the children nor staff of Loreburn Primary School. As their Parent Council we will continue to hold the council to account on every decision moving forward.”
we are awaiting a response form the Council