
Auldgirth Man Scotty Haz Haslam, Rises to Ultra Marathon Challenge

Scott Haslam from Auldgirth in Dumfries and Galloway has been working for the last 19 years as a  a qualified Security Risk Management Consultant, and before that had 12 years Military experience.

Scott joined the Military as a boy soldier, Scott Said “
I joined the Military as a boy soldier and this was everything and more for me. At school all I wanted to do was leave, I then joined up as soon as I was of age. I spent over 12 years within the Infantry where I thrived in alignment with front line operations, many in which supporting covert and special operations. I was a field type soldier, I often landed in some sort of trouble with perhaps authority aspects on the down time and in between operations.
The Middle East then became a major focus point, this is where I decided to leave the Army and venture my interest towards Private Security operations.
On leaving the Army I worked some intense operations in extreme hostile environment’s. I worked up from the ground front line operations covering most positions, to include parallel to this I continued to develop my academic outlook. I then provided Security Risk Management Consultancy for large scale corporate companies to include well known Media Organisation’s. Where I managed Country and Regional Security throughout the hostile regions of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and Kurdistan.
Over the years in alignment with operations I have been exposed to operational loss of life to include witnessing the impact of life changing injuries. Mental health impact in my day was slightly less talked about, perhaps also wrongly looked at as a weakness back in the day. Things now have perhaps moved on somewhat. That being said it seems to be that the help is still sadly lacking, and or it is not as it perhaps should be.
Over the years I have tracked the fantastic support that “Who Dares Cares” continues to provide. Of note I have also first hand felt the impact of PTSD, also of recent noticing the amount of lads who have sadly taken their own life’s.
I used to think that I was bullet proof, I have also managed to walk away from various serious incidents. Clearly things impact people in different ways, there are no rules with such traumatic experience’s to include there are no timelines as to when this may creep in. The good to talk mentality is indeed a life saver, I personally found that like minded people was the key ingredient for this to help. I tend to have or lean on addiction with most interests in my life, some bad and perhaps some good. I also turned towards extreme physical challenge type events, this supports my mindset in a productive alignment.
This year I would like to support Who Dares Cares with their great effort that continues. Bearing in mind that they are volunteers, which is indeed a selfless act. I am hoping to bring a little bit of awareness and perhaps raise some funding for this excellent support mechanism and charity. We would be very grateful for any donation what so ever, thank you kindly on the same.
The challenge that I will chase this year, quick overview:
7 x 50 milers – GBU / 1 x 65 miler – GBU / RAIS 75 miles – GBU / 1 x 100 miler – GBU / RAS 215 Miles SOLO Unsupported / RAS 215 miles – GBU / Reverse RAS 215 Miles SOLO Unsupported / Dragons Back 236 Miles / Golspie Back Yard Ultra
Breakdown of the 15 events, each specific event:
  • Chester 50 miler – 02 March 2024
  • Man U to Liverpool 50 miler – 29 March 24
  • Chester 100 miler – 13 April 2024
  • Pennine Barrier 50 miler – 04 May 2024
  • Race Across the Isle of Skye 75 miler – 25 May 2024 (Bejesus, amazing event)
  • SUW 50 miler – 08th June 2024
  • Wales 50 miler – 22 June 2024 (Beast!)
  • Race Across Scotland 215 miler HAZ SOLO UNSUPPORTED – 02 July 2024 (Bejesus Bejesus)
  • Beacons Way 65 miler – 27 July 2024 (aw my dayz)
  • Race Across Scotland 215 miler – 10 Aug 2024 (yeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa!)
  • Reverse Race Across Scotland 215 miler HAZ SOLO UNSUPPORTED – 14 Aug 2024
  • Dragons Back 236 miler – O2 Sept 2024
  • Snowdon 50 miler – 14 Sept 2024
  • Glasgow to Edinburgh 50 miler – 05 Oct 2024
  • Golspie Back Yard Ultra – 02 Nov 2024 (buzzing)

Thank you kindly for the support

Best regards

Scott Haslam SRMC® MSyl

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