Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Alex Fergusson was pleased to support Scotland’s Tourism Week when the Scottish Tourism Alliance mounted a exhibition in the Scottish Parliament recently. After signing the one-word Scotland board, Mr Fergusson said:-
“Tourism is enormously important within my constituency of Galloway and West Dumfries and, although I have concerns over how our Region is promoted by Visit Scotland, I very much support initiatives like Scotland’s Tourism Week which do so much to focus attention on this important sector. The truly world class offering that we have within this Region is undersold, and I will always support any initiative that seeks to improve that situation.
“That is why I am also keen to encourage any local businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector to participate in the Scottish Tourism Alliance major conference on the 4th and 5th March 2015. Our Region deserves its place on the national stage and will, I hope, be well represented at this conference.”