Gretna Green Battery Storage Project Gets The All Clear

A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) site on land south of Gretna 400KV substation, Gretna Green, DG16 5HR has been given planning permission by the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, the BESS will have a storage capacity of up to 456MW and will have 400 units the size of transport containers.

The applicant for the development ‘Energy Hub Developments’ based at Gresham House, London, have stated that the  BESS infrastructure  will connect to the neighbouring substation. The infrastructure will include battery energy storage containers, PCS (inverter-transformer), grid connection infrastructure, access tracks, and safety and security measures, including Security gates and Closed- Circuit Television (CCTV).

Landscaping including generous biodiversity enhancements are proposed to screen the development, and minimise impact on its surroundings.

The site will be capable of storing the energy equivalent to a day’s power for thousands of homes in Dumfries and Galloway when fully charged

Planning documents show that the Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Planning Applications Committee raised no objections to the proposal. The development will cover 13 hectares near the England-Scotland border.

It states on the  Gretna Green BESS website that work could begin on construction at the end of 2025, The majority of the construction is expected to be undertaken over a 6-9 month period comprising civil works and installation of the BESS infrastructure. It is anticipated there will be on average 6 to 8 HGV deliveries a day over the construction period with peak periods for civils works and delivery of the plant to site.

Access will be via a private road running along the northern boundary of the site and then
more widely access from the A74 and M6. Once operational, site visits will comprise
1 or 2 weekly visits for maintenance, operation and security checks by car or vans.

Visit for updates on this project.

Images credit – Gresham House Devco Pipeline Ltd