


Education Scotland’s inspection report for Troqueer Primary School in Dumfries praises pupils for being very well behaved and clearly committed to learning.

During the inspection carried out at the beginning of June, it was noted that children in the nursery are happy and motivated, and children’s achievements, skills and qualities are recognised and showcased.

The report states that pupils are actively involved and achieve success. Children’s citizenship and leadership skills are developed through participation in pupil groups.

The inspection report noted that the school’s strenghts are:
courteous, articulate and motivated children, who play a key role in the life of the school;
the wide range of sporting, cultural and community opportunities for children to extend their experiences and achievements;
a developing sense of distributed leadership of the staff and the quality of the accommodation and facilities.

Inspectors noted that the school provides children with a broad curriculum but now needs to ensure that learning is deep and challenging.

The involvement of partners and visiting specialists is contributing well to the curriculum, including the partnership link with Kagimba School Kenya.

Across the nursery and primary stages, the school is now challenged to develop consistency in learning and teaching approaches to raise children’s attainment and increase the pace of improvements to the curriculum. The school must also ensure that the learning needs of all children are met.

Parent Council chair, Emma Eden, said,”I’m happy to see that the positive qualities of our children have been identified in Education Scotland’s inspection report. On behalf of Troqueer Parents and Friends Council, I’m pleased with the continuing improvements that the school is making and fully support its work.”

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chairman of the Education Committee, said, “Providing the best start in life for all our children is a priority for our Council. So, I’m very pleased with Education Scotland’s positive report on Troqueer Primary School. I’d like to thank and congratulate all staff and pupils who contributed towards this.”

Education Scotland recognises that the headteacher, Martin Armstong, has gained the trust and respect of staff, parents and children. With the Council’s Education Services, he has identified the required actions to improve the school. He praised the hard work and dedication of the staff and said, “There are many aspects of the report that we’re delighted with. We’re also pleased that much of our recent improvement work has been recognised. As a school community, we’re aware of areas where we need to improve and are confident that we will continue to make progress.”

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