Very Proud Mum Fiona Bell Contacted DGWGO this week to tell us all about her 14 year old daughter ‘Kaitlynd Bell’s’ recent hairaising experience for charity.
Fiona said “Kaitlynd has just had her hair cut off to donate to the charity ‘The Little Princess Trust’ who make wigs for children who have lost their hair following Cancer treatment. She had also raised around £300 in donations for the chairty as well. Kaity has hidden behind her hair for years its been her security blanket, so today has been quite scary for her . She’s always said she couldn’t cope if she lost all hair, and reflected on how others must feel after chemo. Then suddenly she decides to ‘hand over her security blanket to another child’ so to speak. I am so proud of her.”
“Hairdresser ‘Jackie Barbour’ from Dumfries was kind enough to cut her hair for free and donated to the
charity too and we would like to thank her for this ”
The charity is and the charity number is 1113172.