St Joseph’s College Students Support Local Campaign against Domestic Abuse and all other Forms of Gender Based Violence

St Joseph’s College Students Support Local Campaign against Domestic Abuse and all other Forms of Gender Based Violence

The Sociology Students at St Joseph’s College have given their support to the local White Ribbon Campaign which is being co-ordinated by the Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women Partnership (DAVAWP).

Following an input from the DAVAWP on Domestic Abuse and other forms of Gender Based Violence, the Students further researched the issues discussed as well as the aims of the White Ribbon Campaign and decided to have a stall at the school with awareness raising materials for a week.
As a result, 161 new supporters (148 Students, 12 teachers and 1 Parent) joined the local White Ribbon Campaign and signed the pledge “to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women in all its forms”.

The White Ribbon Campaign started in Canada in 1991 and it has become an international campaign whose main focus is to provide people (men in particular) with a platform to speak and to take action against all forms of gender based violence i.e. domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, forced and child marriage, female genital mutilation/cutting, so-called ‘honour’ crimes, sexual harassment, stalking, prostitution, sex trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation.

The DAVAWP and White Ribbon Scotland have been working together for a number of years and have run various prevention and awareness events in Dumfries and Galloway in a partnership that continues to strengthen.

Local residents who want to support the D&G White Ribbon Campaign can go to:

Hazel Borland – DAVAWP Chair said: ‘It is inspiring to see so many young people determined to take a stance against Gender Based Violence. It is vital that the younger generation takes action and add their voice and determination to end all these forms of violence that affect millions of women and girls worldwide and thousands in Scotland. I am confident that the example set by the Sociology Students at St Joseph’s College will inspire more young people across the region; well done!!’

Lois Walker S5 Sociology Student said: ‘I think the White Ribbon is going to be very effective. By us promoting it in school, many young males and females will be aware of what it stands for and will support the campaign.’

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