Guest Blog – D J Forrest

I live in South West Scotland, in Annan, an industrial town that has seen a lot of change over the years, shops closing, changing hands, more shops closing and sitting empty. High unemployment! So with that thought I set up a website to keep myself amused.

I’m the Editor of Project: Torchwood, an online magazine that is dedicated to the TV series. It’s set out in Pages, uses none of the PDF software and comes out with new issues on the 1st day of every month, and goes off line from the 26th of every month to allow for updates

I have a team of writers who come from all over. ~The Doctor~ John comes from Cardiff and is naturally in charge of Locations, he also works for Showmasters and is currently at Cardiff Comic Con this weekend. 31st Aug – 1st September

~Ianto ~Doreen is a writer of fiction and keeps us entertained with Viva Torchwood, her 40 chapters of a fan fic that is posted a chapter a month. She is from Berlin, Germany. Her work is translated by Birte Scheider.

(We currently have 4 translators who give their time for free, 3 German and one Russian)

~Dr Owen Harper~ Echo, is from America and is our latest addition to the team, she writes original pieces of fiction, and covers articles relating to the issues, this month we’ve been covering Cyberwomen.

~Toshiko~ Mickie comes from England and is my right hand woman, she’s my PR and graphics designer. Her job covers a multitude of tasks from cover art for the front cover, to all the interviews and the fan fiction covers, including the Mini Series Mitchell. She also covers the Gadgets & Gizmo’s Page adding her own special spin on this with what we have that is similar to the props used in the series.
You’d be surprised at the result. Mickie also covers articles when requested and has conducted a few interviews, one currently with Gary Russell, writer of Doctor Who and Torchwood.

You can read more about us on the About Us Page on the website.

So that’s the team, what do we do?

Project: Torchwood covers every aspect of Torchwood from the ground up. We interview cast and crew, cover the Gadgets and Gizmos used in the series, talk to the writers, actors, props and make up artists, we research the creatures that appeared in the show, give an episode breakdown, cover the music used, cover the fan vids and the fan art, and basically cover anything we can relating to Torchwood. And most recently and with the run up to the 50th Anniversary, we’re now covering Doctor Who in more detail. We also promote new writers of fan fiction, and have a Page dedicated to the fans to promote themselves and what they love about the show – you can locate that in The Coffee Shop.

Recently to promote the website I was interviewed by the Annandale Observer, a few months later and I was interviewed again, this time as a follow up, because I finally managed to get a LIVE interview with Eve Myles who plays ‘Gwen Cooper’ in the series. I visited my first ever Convention at Braehead Arena, Glasgow. is the website. You can also find us on Twitter as @ProTorchwood and on Facebook

We’re always looking for fans of Doctor Who and Torchwood who want to write for us, or come and comment on an article, or who want to ask a question to a guest, come visit, you won’t be disappointed!