Outstanding Show Of Stock At Dumfries Christmas Show


C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their Annual Christmas Sale of Primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday.

118 Cattle & 1349 Sheep Forward.


An outstanding show of Prime Cattle were placed under the scrutiny of Mr Sam Carlisle, Border Meats Lockerbie who professionally found his champion in a Charolais x Heifer 675Kg from Ben Radley, Loaningfoot selling to 300ppk or £2025 to the Judge.


Reserve Champion rosette was awarded to Maxwellton Estate Farm, Shancastle with a Galloway Bullock also selling to Border Meats at 222p (750Kg) or £1665.

However the days top price of 320p was attained for a 490Kg Galloway Bullock from Kilnstown Farms, Bewcastle.  The purchaser being local quality Butcher Jimmy Craig of Ballard’s Castle Douglas.


Cattle Prize List

  1. Any Continental Bullock

1st Terregles town 690Kg 230p £1587.00

2nd Low Three Mark 690Kg 225p £1552.50


  1. Any Home Bred Bullock

1st Mid Bishopton 515Kg 270p £1390.50

2nd Lantonside 610Kg 230p £1403.00


  1. Any Continental Heifer

1st Loaningfoot 675Kg 300p £2025.00


  1. Any Home Bred Heifer

1st Greenfield 500Kg 285p £1425.0


  1. Limousin Bullock

1st Terreglestown 775Kg 220p £1705.00


  1. Limousin Heifer

1st Waterside 660Kg 250p £1650.00


  1. Best Limousin



  1. Pure Bred Galloway Bullock

1st  Shancastle 750Kg 222p £1665.00

2nd Kilnstown 490Kg 320Kg £1568.00


  1. Bullock (Sired by Galloway)

1st Shancastle 720Kg 200p £1440.00


Principal prices outwith Prize list.


Charolais to 245p from 245p Greenfield, Cummertrees to Wolley Bros, Sheffield, 230p from West Cluden, Holywood to Mr C Anderson.

Galloway to 245p from RM McConnell, Gass to W Lindsay Butchers Creetown.  Limousin to 240p from Merrick, Portpatrick to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan, 238p from J Howie, West Cluden to Woolley Bros, Sheffield.



British Blue to 246p, 240p from J & J Campbell, Dinnans to Woolley Bros, Sheffield.  Limousin to 243p, 231p Upper Tinwald, Torthorwald to Woolley Bros, Sheffield, 242p from Upper Tinwald to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan. Charolais to 231p Merrick, Portpatrick


83 OTM Cattle – Trade firmer on week

Per Head

Simmental to £1130.40 Dalmakethar, £1006.20 Dinnans

Angus to £1128.50, £890.10 Dalswinton

British Blue to £1128 Dalmakethar, £968 Edingham

Limousin to £1102.20 Dalswinton, £945.20 Kirkton, £916.50 Dinnans

British Blue to £857.50 Drum

Holstein Friesian to £821.60, £811.20 Slacks, £804.60 Boreland, £766.50 Panlands

Fleckvieh to £807.85 Slacks

Per Kilo

Angus to 185p, 138p Dalswinton, 129p Whitehall

Limousin to 167p Dalswinton, 136p Kirkton, 130p Dinnans

Simmental to 157p Dalmakethar, 129p, 128p Dinnans

British Blue to 141p Dalmakethar

Fleckvieh to 117p, 107p Slacks

Holstien Friesain to 108p Boreland

Holstein Friesain to 105p Panlands, 104p (x2), 100p Slacks

British Friesian to 104p Drum, 103p Baltersan

Swedish Red to 95p Shenrick



1061 Prime Lambs – A Quality show was presented to the days judge Mr Sam Carlisle, Border Meats Lockerbie

Best pair of Lambs was awarded to J Muir & Son, Cleughbrae with Beltex Lambs (52Kg) which sold for £156 (300ppk) to Mr Jason Tucker, Pontypool.

Reserve Champion pen was won by Gillesbie Farms, Lockerbie with Texels (49Kg) selling to Creetown Butcher Willian Lindsay for £126 (257ppk).


Lambs 32.1-39Kg

Texel to £80 Finnieness, £72 Gillesbie, £71.50 (x2) Lower Shieldhill, £70.50 Ballinnie

Beltex to £80 Finnieness, £80 Newton Cott

Chev Mule to £67 Dornells

Blackface to £67 Corsebank, £66 Kirkton

Suffolk to £64.50 Barony

Cheviot to £61 Beechgrove

Lambs 39.1-45.5Kg

Beltex to £93 Sunnyhill, £82 Newton Cott

Cheviot to £80 Waterside of Terregles

Texel to £78, £75 Paddockhole, £74.50 Ballinnie, £74.50 Newhope, £74.50 Glenlaugh, £74.50 Ballaggan

Suffolk to £72.50 Cushag

Blackface to £70 Glenmanna, £68 Corsebank, £65.50 Snar

Mule to £65 Lochwood

Lambs 45.6-52Kg

Beltex to £156, £120 Cleughbrae

Texel to £126 Gillesbie, £96 Cleughbrae, £83 Shieldhill, £78 Cloggers

Suffolk to £76 Hartbush, £75 Riggheads

NCC to £70 Hoddamtown

Lambs 52.1Kg+

Texel to £94 Hartbush, £84 Gillesbie, £79 Glenhowan


268 Cast Ewes & Rams Forward

Cast sheep £4-£5 sharper on the week.  £111.50 was top for a Texel Ram from Mr D Fleming, Nisbet.

Top prices

Texel to £102.50 Glenhowan, £96.50 Barony, £88.50 Howthat, £86.50 Barbush

Charollais to £93.50 Lochwood

NCC to £83.50 Annefield

Suffolk to £83.50 Howthat

Mule to £79.50 Rashgill, £77.50 Third, £76.50 Howthat, £74.50 Kenmure

Blackface to £60.50 Kenmure, £53.50 Snar, £42.50 Torkirra

Jacob to £41.50 Berryland


Texel to £111.50, £97.50 Nisbet, £104.50 Lochwood, £97.50 Maryfield

Charollais to £110.50 Lochwood

Leicester to £105.50 Lochwood, £93.50 Meikle Barncleugh

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