
Growing Our Own – Development Of Food Strategy

The Communities Committee of Dumfries and Galloway Council will meet on Tuesday 24 January and will discuss the development of a local Food Growing Strategy.

Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, every Council in Scotland is required to develop and enhance a Food Growing Strategy. Elected Members will hear at the meeting about the plans to finalise the strategy for Dumfries and Galloway Council by the end of this year.
The Community Empowerment Act offers guidance on what the strategy should contain. Our Council will be identifying land that can be used as allotment areas as well as identifying land that can be used by communities across the region to cultivate vegetables, fruits and flowers. Our Council will also review and update the Food Growing Policy as and when required, at least once every 5 years to ensure it is continuing to meet the communities’ requirements right across Dumfries and Galloway.
Our Council is a keen supporter of community food growing, and currently supports projects in both Castle Douglas and Dumfries where growing vegetables and flowers are a key part of community groups’ activities. Evidence suggests that there are many benefits to be gained from growing food locally, including employment opportunities and the positive impacts on the health and wellbeing of those who take charge of nurturing and maintaining the flowers, fruit and veg.
Councillor Tom McAughtrie, who chairs the Communities Committee said ahead of the meeting on 24 January;
“I am very supportive of our Council putting our own Food Growing policy. The Community Empowerment Act details that we require to have something in place by the end of 2017 but the reality is that our Council has been working with community groups and supporting these groups to produce home-grown goods for many years. We as a local authority are committed to tackling poverty, as well as being an inclusive Council and protecting our vulnerable people. Putting this policy in place will allow us to achieve these priorities and deliver on our commitments.”
The full report can be viewed at;

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