DG Youth View Winners Announced


DG Youth View is an online photography project run by Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival in partnership with Phil McMenemy, Kim Ayres and DGWGO. Young people aged 13-21 were encouraged to send in their pictures with the aim of getting a snapshot of how our region looks to young folks, and bring together a community of people interested in photography.

In an online competition entries were asked for under the categories:

My Place: Photos of a place I spend time or love to visit
My People: Photos of people I spend time with
My Festival: Photos of performance.


We were delighted with the range of images, people and places that were produced and would like to give a big thank you to everyone who entered.

Kim Ayres said “It was great to see such a range of creative minds in action, with a wide variety of styles and interpretations.” Phil McMenemy said ‘We are grateful for the time and trouble our young people went to, to submit their personal take on all things Galloway.” Robin Baird added “It was a real honour for me to have the chance to see all the entries to DGYouthView! It was a very difficult task for all of us to judge ,which just goes to prove There is a lot of young talent out there in D&G

The winners will spend a day learning from Kim Ayres and Phil McMenemy, and get a photographers pass to The Yah’s album launch at Eastebrook Hall on November the 23rd

The winners are:

My People

Winner Esme Kirsch age 17

Phil says: “The judges were struck by the timeless quality of this image. This could have been last week or last century – it captures the essence of childhood and made us all smile. Well done.”

Commended Joseph Stevenson, Lewis Crosby

My Place


Winner Lewis Crosby age 19

Robin Baird of DGWGO says: “This picture captured all of the judges eye’s. It showed a lot of thought , and really makes you want to know where that place is , and to visit it for yourself either in reality or in your imagination.”

Commended: Abbie Johnston Age 14

My Festival

Winner Brodie Donohoe Aged 15

Kim Ayres Says

“It’s not always easy to get a good performance shot – you have no control over the movements of the performer, the lighting or the background. This photo gives a good sense of the setting and the atmosphere”

Special Commendation

Nicola Henderson Age 20

Pete Renwick of Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival says: “To me this photo sums up the spirit of dgyouthview. It is a beautifully framed landscape shot and has a real sense of capturing enjoyment and belonging.”
To see all the entries go to www.facebook.com/dgyouthview

To see more of Phil and Kim’s Work see www.kimayres.co.uk, and http://philmcmenemy.smugmug.com/

The project was run by Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival with support from the Holywood Trust.

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