Keen Photographer’s ‘Flash’ Photo Gains Recognition

26 Year  Dental Nurse ‘Victoria Naish’ from Amisfield, Dumfries has had a photo she recently took of her horse ‘Flash’  featured in Country Life Magazines ‘Top 18 magical frozen Britain Pictures’. 

Victoria told DGWGO ” I  live on a farm just outside Amisfield near Dumfries, my horse Flash who’s in the photo is 25 years old now. I’m a dental nurse at Church Court Dental practice where I did a clinical photography course a few years ago and became interested in general photography. It’s really bad that I’ve got my beautiful camera my husband bought me but took this photo on my smart phone!

She went on to say ” I subscribe to ‘Country Life Magazine’ and saw a post on their Facebook page asking for readers photos so sent mine in. I enjoy walking in the countryside with my 2 year old daughter and my labrador and our house is slowly running out of wall space with all the photos I keep taking whilst out walking.

The  Photo was taken at Shieldhill near Dumfries. You can see the full magazine article that includes this image by clicking HERE