
Farmers and Crofters Urged to Prioritise Their Single Application Form

With less than three weeks left to complete 2017 Single Application Forms (SAF), NFU Scotland is encouraging crofters and farmers to prioritise filling out their forms before the 15 May deadline.

The online application process has seen significant improvements in recent years and the vast majority of applications are now made online.  NFUS understands that, when compared to the same date in 2016, online 2017 SAF submissions already received by Scottish Government are 50 percent up on last year.

However, more than three-quarters of all SAF forms – whether completed on line, on paper or through an agent – have still to be submitted in the coming days. A combination of spring work, lambing and calving means that many farmers and crofters will have many other priorities to focus on, but the Union is urging applicants to crack on and start filling out their SAF as soon as possible.

And the Union warns that, unlike 2015 and 2016, there is no likelihood of Europe granting an extension to the application period this year.

Jonnie Hall, NFU Scotland’s Director of Policy commented: “With less than three weeks to go, it seems that the IT system is coping well with the current volume of applications but peak period has still to be reached.
“Around 4000 out of a possible 18,000 have already been successfully submitted, and many more are already on the system in draft.  That said, it is also clear that we have not reached the time of peak flow – and that will be the acid test.
“I appreciate that farmers and crofters are stretched right now but I would urge anyone, whether aiming to complete their own SAF online or filling out the paper version – to make time sooner rather than later for this important task.”

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