Members of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy and Resources (E&R) Committee (30 Jan) will be presented with an update on the transformation of the Chaplecross site.
The report includes information on the timeline of planned activities and milestones as an initial baseline for the CX Programme detailed planning.
Efforts to develop the 200ha Chapelcross site and deliver a transformational proposal have been ongoing for a number of years. We now have a collection of valuable knowledge to support beneficial uses for the land and to help develop possible future opportunities.
The new CX Programme seeks to “re-focus” the CX site proposition transform the site and will be linked to the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal. The objective for the site includes the creation of a large-scale mixed-use employment site for Borderlands, which will create wider economic impact. This must support the development of green energy production, storage and distribution solutions. 100% beneficial use of the site over the full decommissioning period to 2095 (in line with Energy Act 2004 requirements) and beyond will be required, as well as making a significant contribution to the achievement of UK’s 2050 net zero carbon target.
Vice Chair, Archie Dryburgh said: “The outcome is not just about what happens within the site boundary, it is also about the role of collaboration with others in the delivery of a shared vision of a brighter future, and the added value that can bring. The CX Programme needs to be ready for a quick start on day 1 following the Borderlands Growth Deal award. This is essential if we are to take full advantage of the 10 to 15 year funding envelope provided by the Deal.”
Chair of E&R Committee, Rob Davidson said: “This is a major project, especially when combined with our Borderlands Deal. We are looking long-term, the work we do today is the foundation for the full transformation of the land between now and 2095. Developing this huge site will show the potential prosperity of our region. By realising the land’s maximum potential, we will be encouraging economic growth, attracting further investment, not only around the East, but across the rest of D&G, attracting new companies into the area, bringing employment for local people. “