College co-hosts roadshow to help local businesses

Dumfries and Galloway College (DGC) is proud to partner with the Open University in Scotland for a forthcoming South of Scotland Visitor Economy industry roadshow.


The event, which is also in conjunction with South of Scotland Enterprise, South of Scotland Destination Alliance and Borders College, takes place at the Dark Space Planetarium, Saint Mary Street, Kirkcudbright, on Friday, March 10, and is designed to help bring businesses together in a bid to tackle challenges firms face in this era of uncertainty.


There are many important issues being acutely felt across Scotland’s rural visitor economy — such as high energy costs, business rate changes, interest and inflation rate hikes and supply chain issues, whilst at the same time grappling with some of the most acute skills shortages seen in Scotland for decades.


Findings from the Open University in Scotland’s Business Barometer Report (2022), produced in association with the British Chamber of Commerce, highlighted that recruitment is now the biggest, and most challenging, issue facing businesses, with many employers struggling to compete in attracting skilled and experienced workers, particularly those with technical and higher-level skills.


The Open University in Scotland, along with DGC, are able to offer a range of business-orientated qualifications and short courses that allow learners to ‘earn whilst they learn’ — all of which can directly contribute to helping businesses improve output, profitability, and growth whilst at the same time also helping to strengthen their recruitment and retention offer to both their current and future workforce.


With much of this provision also being provided at low or no cost, to both individuals and businesses, there has never been a better or more prudent time for visitor economy businesses in the South of Scotland to engage.


The Dumfries and Galloway Roadshow starts at 9.30am and runs until approximately 11.15am with the itinerary as follows: (Friday 10th March)


  • 09:30              – Registration and Arrival / Networking opportunity
  • 10:00              – Introductions from South of Scotland Destination Alliance
  • 10:15              – Overview of OU in Scotland provision and funding
  • 10:35              – Overview of DGC provision and funding
  • 10:55              – Mapping of Provision
  • 11:05              – Q&A Session, followed by networking
  • 11:15              – Event closes (*)

(*) DGC and OU teams present at each roadshow will stay on if businesses want further 1-2-1 time to look at training needs / funding options.


With much of this provision also being provided at low or no cost, to both individuals and businesses, there has never been a better or more prudent time for visitor economy businesses in the South of Scotland to engage.


DGC College Principal Joanna Campbell said: “Dumfries and Galloway College is delighted to co-host this industry roadshow and to help local businesses navigate and collaborate through these difficult times.”

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