Cunninghame Housing Association – Long Service Awards 2023
Cunninghame Housing Association recently celebrated its long serving staff with an awards ceremony recognising those who’ve worked with the Association for 10, 15, 20 and 25 years. A total of 8 staff members were recognised, (including Liam Watters not pictured) who between them have a total of 125 years of experience working with the Association.
The recipients were invited to receive their awards on Friday 1 st December 2023 at the Association’s Head Office along with the Chairperson and fellow Board members. Staff were presented with their awards by the Chair, Janet Strang followed by a buffet lunch which proved to be an enjoyable afternoon for all in attendance.
Janet Strang, Chair of the Association commented, “It was a privilege to celebrate the service, commitment and skills of staff who’ve shown their loyalty to the Association over many years”.