CX Project Helps Lockerbie Company Expand

When Lockerbie-based Robinsons wanted to expand the business, the CX Project was ready to help.


Company Managing Director, Ryan Brown, said, “We had purchased extra land and were keen to build a new factory there to make concrete products used in our steel-framed buildings. We usually buy these in, but preferred to bring the production in-house to control the reliability of supply. Scottish Enterprise referred us to the CX Project and their business adviser made the grant application process straightforward. Adviser Bev forced us to look at the numbers in detail, something that is essential and that we should do more often. The CX Project has allowed us to bring the expansion plans forward and I am pleased to say that the new factory will mean 10 new jobs for the town.”

Robinsons sells steel-framed buildings for agricultural and industrial use across the UK. Ryan Brown and his father started the business just over 10 years ago and it has expanded rapidly since then. The buildings they have supplied and erected include waste transfer stations, college buildings, retail units, transport depots and other projects. The buildings are designed using the latest computer software.

Chairman of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Colin Smyth, said, “Robinsons has trebled the size of the yard and built new office premises since the business started in 2005. Our Council’s number one priority is building the local economy, so I am delighted to see this impressive progress. It shows that our region can host companies that trade successfully across the UK.”

John Grierson, Site Closure Director for Magnox at Chapelcross, said, “This shows how the CX Project grant can be used to help bring additional jobs to Annandale and Eskdale. The project does not just provide a grant, it also provides advice on how companies can scrutinise their plans and make sure they are robust. It’s great that the CX Project has been able to help Robinsons kick start the new factory and I wish them every success for the future.”

If your business is in Annandale and Eskdale and you want to know how you can receive advice and assistance from the CX project, telephone 01387 273996, email [email protected] or check the website


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