Dumfries and Galloway Council has submitted an expression of interest to locate an AI Growth Zone in our region.
Council Leader, Gail Macgregor has previously communicated directly with the Rt Hon Peter Kyle MP, Secretary of State for the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology, affirming our region’s readiness and suitability for this initiative.
The UK Government believes that these AI Growth Zones will unlock investment in AI-enabled data centres and support infrastructure by improving access to power and providing planning support. The Government has stated that these areas will help drive innovation, create high-skilled jobs, and strengthen the UK’s position as a leader in AI.
Our council is confident that Dumfries and Galloway is uniquely positioned, given its strategic placement between England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We are fully on-board to support the Government’s plans and our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and strategic connectivity makes this region an ideal candidate for this transformative initiative.
With the necessary support from the UK and Scottish Governments for grid improvements, Dumfries and Galloway has the potential to become a carbon-neutral AI Growth Zone, utilising locally generated power. Our region currently generates four times more power through renewable energy than we are able to use due to grid restrictions. Through current projects, the amount of renewable energy produced is only going to increase, therefore, it would be beneficial if this additional power could be exploited to supply a local AI Growth Zone.
Indeed, our region has already received a number of enquiries from Data Centre operators and the allocation as an AI Growth Zone would enable the attached sites to progress these enquiries at pace.
Council Leader, Councillor Gail Macgregor said:
“Our council is completely behind this exciting initiative, and we are certain that Dumfries and Galloway is ready to lead the way in AI innovation, driving economic growth, and creating a sustainable future for the UK.“Part of our council’s vision for the future is for D and G to diversify our industries. Despite being at the forefront of agricultural innovation, we must also look away from our overall historic reliance on farming. This AI investment would attract other like-minded businesses to our area; creating jobs for local people and encouraging others to our region to live, work and invest.
“AI investment offers opportunities to super charge regional growth sectors such as CreaTech, Space, Life Sciences, Natural Capital, Renewables and Green Fuels.
“We already have prime sites across the whole of our region which are ideally suited for this type of development. From Chapelcross in the east, to Castle Kennedy Airfield in the west, with a number of suitable sites in between, each one provides unique advantages, such as space, existing infrastructure, and strategic positioning for connectivity and collaboration.
“I look forward to hearing from the Minister in the near future and hope for a positive outcome”