Free NHS Support for Employees of Small to Medium Size enterprises and the Self Employed in Dumfries and Galloway

Update to Working Health Services


The Working Health Services scheme has been a great success and a recent evaluation of the service by The University of Glasgow demonstrated that people who had used the service had found it greatly helpful.  As a result of this the service has received a significant boost in extra funding from the Scottish Government, a widening of the referral criteria and is available to businesses in Dumfries and Galloway now.


“The findings of the evaluation indicate that it has had a positive benefit for the majority of cases, with all health measures showing a significant improvement and the qualitative feedback being very positive.

The health tool scores all showed significant improvements from entry to discharge. The extent of the positive change in one health measure is striking, from a health economic perspective, suggesting that the WHSS intervention has contributed to this health benefit. The benefits recorded appear to be maintained after discharge from the service.” Judy Gibson, Directorate for Population Health, Scottish Government

Working Health Services supports employees who work for a small to medium size enterprise (SME) with less than 250 employees or who are self employed and have a health problem affecting them at their work.  (Who do not have access to an occupational health scheme.)


People who are self employed can be seen whether they are working or are off sick.  Employees who work for a SME can be seen whether they are working or are absent for a period of up to 3 weeks.


People can self refer to the service, which is both free and confidential, by contacting their local case manager or by calling the 0800 number below and asking for option 3.  Fast access to four free treatments of physiotherapy or counselling can be quickly organised.  Case management services include support with employer liaison, work station risk assessments, free employment legal advice, advice on funding for workplace adaptations, signposting for debt problems and a host of other free support systems.



Contact Working Health Services Dumfries and Galloway:


Local contact – Ailsa Black Tel: 01387 244626

Email: [email protected]  Freephone: 0800 019 2211

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