
Funding Applications Open For Business

Dumfries and Galloway Council provides grant funding to local groups or individuals through our Area Committee Discretionary Grants.

Applications are accepted throughout the year but are only considered quarterly. Area Committees will consider the first round of applications in March 2017. Applications for this round must be submitted on or before 5pm on Friday 6 January 2017. Further closing dates will be publicised on our website in due course.

Only applications that are ‘complete’ at the closing date above will be considered in March. If you wish to apply for funding, please submit your application ahead of the closing date in case we need to ask you for additional information. Applications which are not complete by the deadline may not be considered until June/July 2017 at the earliest.

Area Committees will not generally consider funding events which have already taken place or projects which have started so if you are applying for funding for an event in April to June it is important you apply before this deadline. Sports funding applications for 2017/2018 may be submitted from March next year. There is no closing date and applications are considered each month until funds are fully committed.

Chairman of the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee, Councillor Ronnie Nicholson said;

“Despite facing unprecedented budgetary pressures, our Council continues to provide funding streams to various community groups in the region via our Area grants application process. Decisions are made on an area basis, and requests for financial assistance from our Council are taken at face value by both officers and elected members. Many groups from Whithorn to Langholm have benefitted, and will continue to benefit, from this funding stream we provide. I would encourage anyone thinking of making an application to read the criteria on the website, and to get their application into us in plenty of time. It’s coming up to a busy time of year for everyone, so don’t leave it too late to apply.”

Please be sure you have read the relevant criteria when writing your application. If you need advice or support in completing your application please email [email protected]

Application forms, award criteria and guidance can be found at: www.dumgal.gov.uk/grants

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