Galloway Glens Intern Week Kicks Off With Launch Of Project Video And Report

One of the aims of the Galloway Glens Scheme is to encourage young people to plan their working future in the region. A programme of Intern positions has been supported with a whole range of employers, giving work experience and challenging the perception that young people must leave the area to obtain work.


This programme is being celebrated in ‘Galloway Glens Intern Week’, sharing findings of the programme and the experiences of the Interns themselves. The week aligns with the publishing of the full Intern report for wider circulation and a video, giving feedback from the Interns involved.

The programme video is here:

The ‘Galloway Glens Intern programme – Overview & Findings’ report is published here: Galloway Glens Intern Programme – Overview + Findings FINAL


Findings of the report include:

· There is an appetite from local employers to support Intern positions

· A six month position appears to strike a balance, being long enough for a genuine experience, and also adding benefit to the employer

· Other schemes exist from national bodies, but this needn’t stop local initiatives

· Employers value financial and partnership support

· Positions should be advertised actively to get the maximum number of applicants.


Galloway Glens Team Leader McNabb Laurie said:

“The report highlights that this place based and relationship-led approach to the provision of Intern positions can deliver benefits for the employer and the successful candidate. If it works well, one of these roles can really change a life and so offers excellent value for money and return on investment.
Employers value financial investment – of course – but also partnership support in recruiting and overseeing the roles. We have only been involved in 15 intern-type positions, but by pursuing the programme in the public eye, we hope to have raised the profile of working in our region, showing the satisfying roles that are available.”


The Galloway Glens Scheme is a 5-year project based in the Stewartry region of Dumfries and Galloway. An initiative of Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Environment Team, it is funded by a range of partners including the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The Galloway Glens Scheme aims to connect people to their heritage and to support modern rural communities.

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