
Local Florist Needs Your Votes To Help Get The Region on the Floral The Map

Local Dumfries and Galloway based florist ‘PassionFlowers The Florists‘ were recently shortlisted for the British Florist Association  Retail Florist of the Year, in the UK, but they need your votes to win and there is less than a week left to vote!
Passionflowers have been helping people celebrate birthdays, weddings, Valentine’s, Christmas and every other kind of celebration you can think of as well as also bringing much comfort to people through sadder times of life with their wonderful flowers for the last 22 years.
PassionFlowers is a tiny family run business, and is competing against massive florists with large demographics and staff numbers. Currently with almost a thousand votes, Passionflowers is still in the running, but falling behind the large florists, so every vote counts.
Marita Dobson, owner of passionflowers said “So far our public votes are sitting at an amazing 982 at last count, but we’re competing against florists from cities with such large demographics and huge staff numbers, and they are really rounding up support. we are so thankful to everyone that as voted for us so far, but every vote is so important and we are so grateful for each vote we receive.”
To Show your support for Passion flowers, you can vote by clicking HERE and following the instructions, it will only take a few seconds, and will help get Dumfries and Galloway noticed. Judging closes 12pm on the  21st September 2023.
A Spokesperson from The BFA stated “The BFA Awards has been created to highlight and celebrate all the dedicated and hard working people that make up the floral industry. Its intention is to raise the awareness of our skills, celebrate achievements and create an amazing opportunity to connect to the public.
Year on year this awards ceremony has grown and become an eagerly anticipated event. Each category has its own set of criteria for entry and the winners marks are made up of a panel of industry experts as well as public vote. It truly represents the best of the best and we are proud to showcase the work of all involved.”

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