Mundell Supports Small Business Saturday

Wednesday, 13 January, 2016

Local MP David Mundell showed his support for small business Saturday by visiting Broadies in Moffat as well as IsCompliant in the town. Mr Mundell was keen to highlight the success of businesses in the community.

David Mundell supported local firms by meeting with a number of small businesses in Moffat to mark the UK wide initiative. Mr Mundell met with local business owners in Brodies café in the morning to discuss the local business landscape before visiting isCompliant.

Small Business Saturday aims to encourage people to visit their local small businesses on Saturday 5 December and celebrate the contribution they make to communities and the wider economy.

He encouraged people across Scotland to show their support by visiting their local high streets and small businesses.

Mr Mundell said: “Small businesses are at the very heart of the Scottish economy. Nearly 80% of these businesses are family owned which shows their importance to people and communities in Scotland.

“It is important that people support our small businesses as much as they can – they add to the diversity of our towns and cities and create employment for people across the country. I hope people across Scotland will join me in continuing to support them.”

Brian Sherman, FSB’s Dumfries & Galloway Branch Chairman, said: “It’s great that prominent local figures such as David Mundell MP are coming out today and backing local small businesses.

“It has been a tough few years for the high street and, even with the economy picking up again, challenges remain.  Small Business Saturday is our chance as shoppers to recognise the contribution that small, independent businesses make to our community – but maintaining a healthy town centre is everyone’s job.”

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