New Trustees Appointed To The Crichton Trust Board

Following a rigorous recruitment campaign at the end of 2021, The Crichton Trust is delighted to announce the recent appointment of four new trustees.

Dr David Hall, Sheena Horner, Danielle Marlow and Tricia Hunter were officially inducted to The Crichton Trust as trustees at the end of January 2022, by Dr Ian Macmillan, Chair of The Crichton Trust Board and Chief Executive, Gwilym Gibbons.

David, Sheena, Danielle and Tricia attended their first Board Meeting in February and bring the total number of trustees on the Board to 11. The Board works closely with the Senior Leadership Team and is responsible for setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the Trust.

DR DAVID HALL: Having spent over 30 years as a Psychiatrist and Medical Manager at The Crichton and led the redesign of the local Mental Health Service, David has a long association with The Crichton. David has, and continues to hold, a number of national Mental Health leadership roles and actively supports suicide prevention and baby loss awareness groups.

SHEENA HORNER: With a background in agriculture and a passion for sustainability and locally sourced food and drink, Sheena successfully runs two local businesses; Galloway Chillies and Food from Farming. Sheena also holds a number of important voluntary positions within the food and drink sector locally and is well connected throughout Scotland. Sheena is also an ambassador for rural mental health charities and initiatives.

TRICIA HUNTER: Prior to retirement, Tricia was the Programme Director for Developing the Young Workforce in Dumfries & Galloway and formerly the Managing Director of Minerva People Ltd. As well as her love of The Crichton, Tricia brings a wealth of experience as a trustee, working with employers in the public, private and third sectors and in training, recruitment, networking and partnership working.

DANIELLE MARLOW: Originally from Dumfries, Danielle has worked at the University of Edinburgh for over 10 years and leads the co-ordination and operational delivery of an extensive national clinical research education and training programme. Danielle is passionate about developing the clinical research workforce and contributes to a variety of national education, training and research groups throughout the UK.


Gwilym Gibbons said: “I am delighted to welcome the new trustees to The Crichton Trust and I fully intend to make the best use of their varied skills and expertise. This is an extremely important, challenging and exciting time for the Trust and I am confident that with such a strong team of employees, trustees and partners, that we can achieve our ambitions for The Crichton. While I am pleased to welcome the new trustees, I would also like to formally acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the existing team of staff and trustees and to thank them all for their ongoing commitment to the Trust. I would particularly like to acknowledge Margaret Burton, who retired from her role as trustee in December after 10 years of service. Margaret will be sorely missed, but we wish her all the best for her retirement.”

 FAREWELL MARGARET: The Trust recently said farewell to long-standing trustee; Margaret Burton. Margaret, who served on the Board for 10 years, retired from her role as trustee in December 2021. Margaret is pictured here with Gwilym Gibbons, Chief Executive of The Crichton Trust.

Find out more about The Crichton, the new trustees and the rest of the team by visiting