NFU Mutual Stranraer And Ayr Offices Celebrate Merger

NFU Mutual Ayr and Stranraer agencies have joined forces, allowing them to build and strengthen their relationship with loyal customers and colleagues nearby.

With a cumulative 100 years’ experience between the partners, they are all very confident that this change will enable them to enhance their overall customer proposition.

This merger provides an abundance of new opportunity, with a wider geographical area developing their commercial offering, and the blended team giving scope for diversification throughout both offices.

In order to continue to provide the local and personal service they have worked incredibly hard to maintain; each agency will retain their base in Ayr and Stranraer. This will ensure the business can grow and flourish in both areas, providing the support and security the local community needs.

Ronnie Mercer, Senior Partner at NFU Mutual Ayr said: “I am very excited about two successful agencies merging to come together to accelerate the success in years to come.”  David Murchie, Senior Partner at NFU Mutual Stranraer added:I’m looking forward to continuing to look after our existing clients, whilst welcoming any new customers to the agency. Although there won’t be any immediate noticeable changes, this merger will ensure we continue to provide a strong local service.”
Linda Blackwood, Partner at NFU Mutual Ayr said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to develop and enhance our offering to our clients. The new Ayr and Stranraer team will offer a first-class personal service and deliver that local support and assistance for which we are renowned.”
Michael Goldie, newly appointed Partner for NFU Mutual Ayr and Stranraer added: “Whilst I have been away from the NFU Mutual agency network for five years, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to come back and work with an organisation I know so well. It’s a thrilling prospect to be part of a team that is so skilled and dedicated to what they do.”

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