Plans For New £6 Million Aldi Store In Castle Douglas Take Another Step Forward

Aldi UK have now submitted a planning application to Dumfries & Galloway Council for a for a 1,883 sqm food store, 1,315 sqm sales floor, with 100 parking bays (inc. 7 disabled) on Oakwell Road (A745), Castle Douglas.
In a letter issued today Aldi stated ” As you know, we are seeking to develop a modern food store that will serve the communities of Castle Douglas, Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbright and the wider Stewartry area and have identified a site at Oakwell Road (A745).
In January we delivered a comprehensive online consultation programme. We wrote to approximately 2,500 addresses in the vicinity of the site to advertise the online consultation including two live interactive events which took place on Monday 17th and Wednesday 19th January. Our consultation ran until the 23rd January and we were delighted to receive a significant level of positive feedback with 310 (91% of respondents) local residents writing to confirm they support our proposals.
We submitted a planning application to Dumfries and Galloway Council on Thursday 3rd February which was subsequently validated on 23rd February. The plans can be viewed on the council’s planning portal by searching for the planning reference number 22/0121/FUL.
The proposed store will deliver a 1,883 sqm food store, 1,315 sqm sales floor, with 100 parking bays (inc. 7 disabled).
The development at Castle Douglas will create up to 35 local jobs within the store, together with new jobs during construction and within the Aldi supply chain. The new store will allow members of the local community to shop more sustainably by travelling less and would bring a significant investment of around £6.3 million.”
You can see the panning application HERE