RSM UK Consulting LLP awarded contract to drive forward Regional Economic Strategy (RES)

RSM UK have been appointed to help support the South of Scotland Regional Economic Partnership develop a Regional Economic Strategy for the region.

The leading consultancy firm will provide additional expertise, and support the progress of the Strategy, while working closely with members of the Regional Economic Partnership.

The Invitation to Tender (ITT) – setting out the scope of support required and inviting bids – went live on 13 October and following an evaluation of bids and conclusion of the procurement process, RSM has been identified as the successful tenderer.

Today’s appointment will allow work to immediately progress to take the Strategy forward.

Depute Leader of Dumfries and Galloway Council, Councillor Rob Davidson and Chair of the REP said:

We are delighted to successfully appoint RSM UK to help us develop the economic strategy for the South of Scotland.
“The Regional Economic Partnership forms part of new regional structures to help drive economic success in the South of Scotland, and that includes developing this important Regional Economic Strategy for the South.
“We are actively considering key strategic issues that the REP wants to ensure are part of its forward work programme and these are very likely to form strands of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES).
“I’d like to congratulate RSM UK and I look forward to working closely with them to progress this work in the new year.”

Declan Mackin, a Partner at RSM UK Consulting LLP said:

We look forward to working with the Regional Economic Partnership in shaping the South of Scotland’s future economic strategy.
“Our approach will aim to maximize input from all key stakeholders to ensure the strategy reflects the challenges and opportunities that the region will face and to provide a robust basis for empowering local communities and supporting inclusive economic growth”.


Chair of South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) Professor Russel Griggs OBE said:

We welcome the appointment of RSM UK to support and help us drive forward this important piece of work for the South of Scotland.
“They have extensive and wide-ranging experience of place-based and economic development particularly in a rural context – so with this relevant experience, they are a perfect fit for leading on this project.” 
“As we look ahead to 2021, we look forward to working together with RSM UK on the strategy, maximising new opportunities, and shaping the South of Scotland’s economy of the future.”


Councillor Mark Rowley, Scottish Borders Council’s Executive Member for Economic Regeneration and Finance, said:

With RSM UK now firmly on board, our work on the strategy has begun and we can look forward to making swift progress on this in 2021.
“We will be announcing how people can engage with strategy development early in the new year, with activities planned across January and February.
I’d like to personally welcome RSM UK and congratulate them on their successful appointment to work with us. I look forward to seeing this critical work for the whole of the South develop over coming months!”

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