The regeneration of Summerhill has taken a step forward with a planning application lodged with Dumfries and Galloway Council.
The application has been submitted by Wheatley Homes South, the region’s largest social landlord, which has engaged with tenants and residents over the community-led regeneration.
Since the regeneration proposals were first announced, tenants, residents and local businesses have been offered the chance to shape the future of the area through a range of methods, including online, face-to-face, paper survey and email.
With the old blocks now demolished, the application has gone in to build 44 new homes in the area, which will help meet the high demand for affordable housing in Dumfries and Galloway.
Alex Lamb, Managing Director of Wheatley Homes South, said: “The views of tenants and residents has been key to this whole process, and we are very grateful that so many had shared their views on the future of Summerhill.
“In the midst of a housing crisis, affecting every part of Scotland, we hope that these new, affordable homes, will play a part in meeting demand for housing in the local area.
“This work forms part of Wheatley’s ambitious plans for Dumfries and Galloway over the coming years, where we will regenerate areas, build new affordable homes and create communities that meet the needs of people across the region.
“We hope to start work on delivering a bright future for Summerhill in early 2026 and delivering new homes to meet the needs of families in the area.”
The work in Summerhill forms part of Wheatley Homes South’s regeneration plans for the region, which will see hundreds of new homes built across Dumfries and Galloway by 2028.
Last year, families moved into 89 new homes at the former Curries Yard in Heathhall and into 47 new homes at Ewart Place in Springholm, as well as work starting on 33 new high-quality, affordable homes in Johnstonebridge.
All new-build Wheatley homes feature low-carbon technologies, including solar panels, energy-efficient heating, and high levels of insulation.
Wheatley Homes South manages almost 10,400 homes across Dumfries and Galloway and is part of Wheatley Group – Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group, which was named in 2024 as the UK’s biggest builder of social housing over the previous decade.