
Eardley Explored: The Art Of Joan Eardley With Photography By Audrey Walker

Joan Eardley’s (1921-1963) portrayal of the streets and children of Glasgow first brought her work to public attention in the early 1950s, but it...
Kirkcudbright Galleries Reflects on Fifth Anniversary

Kirkcudbright Galleries Reflects on Fifth Anniversary

Last month, Kirkcudbright Galleries celebrated the fifth anniversary of opening to the public in June 2018 with decorations and lots of free cake. Now they...

Dumfries Cartoonist Who Created Fred Basset Remembered

Fred Basset is a comic strip about a male basset hound. The cartoon was created by Dumfries born cartoonist Alex Graham and published first in the Daily Mail on 8 July...

Local Artist Jonathon Pearson Donates Painting To Raise Funds For Portpatrick RNLI

A man of many talents, Jonathon is also a volunteer crew member at Portpatrick Lifeboat station.   Jonathon joined the crew at Portpatrick back in 2016...
DGC student’s celebration after his animation wins prize at film festival

DGC Student’s Celebration After His Animation Wins Prize At Film Festival

A Dumfries and Galloway College (DGC) student has been hailed as a rising star after winning a prestigious award at the Ayrshire Film Festival.   Sean...
Gracefield Arts Centre Hold Dumfries and Galloway Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibition

Gracefield Arts Centre Hold Dumfries and Galloway Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibition

Starting on Saturday 1 July at Gracefield Arts Centre in Dumfries, the Dumfries & Galloway Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibition will be open until...
Top Honour Awarded To Wigtownshire-born sculptor

Top Honour Awarded To Wigtownshire Born Sculptor

On 14 June, Scottish Sculptor, James Parker, and the team at Drystone Walling Perthshire will receive the prestigious Certificate of Merit from the Dry...

Caerlaverock Castle Is Set To Be Centre Heritage Project – Creative Caerlaverock!

In January The Stove Network, in partnership with Historic Environment Scotland (HES), launched an interactive community consultation for this new creative learning project, ‘Creative...

Sanquhar’s A’ the Airts Patchwork Group Make Precious Gifts

For the last few weeks, the A' the Airts quilters club has been collaborating on a heartwarming project. They have been creating small patchwork...

Historic Environment Scotland On The Search For Artist Collective To Work In Kirkcudbright

Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is looking to commission an artist or artist collective based in Dumfries and Galloway with a focus in socially engaged...