Out and About in Dumfries & Galloway

Dumfries and Galloway set to Mark Armed Forces Week 2017

On Monday 19 June 2017 the following flag raising events will take place across our region to show appreciate for the work of the...

Muckletoon Festival Set for Weekend of Adventure

The line-up for this year’s Muckle Toon Adventure Festival (MTAF) has now been confirmed with celebrity speakers and multi-event activities topping the bill. The annual...

Moffat Gets Set For World Gold Panning Championships Moffat 2017

The 41st World Gold Panning Championships 2017 will take place in Moffat between 7th and 12th August 2017. This prestigious international sporting event regularly...

Hamish the Coo Van is Coming to See the Devils Porridge MOOseum

The team at the Devils Porridge Museum at Eastriggs near Annan are very excited that the Vist Scotland team and their Coo Van 'Hamish' are...

Beltie Beer Festival Quenches The Thirst Of Thousands

The 2017 Beltie Beer Festival held at Park Farm by Dumfries Saints Rugby Club saw a sell out crowd of 2,300 folk enjoying some...

Have you Spotted the Galloway Mermaid?

A Galloway Mermaid spotted in a sheltered bay by local photographer, Kit Carruthers, is the inspiration for a World Oceans event at Rockcliffe on...
Festival Fever

D&G Arts Festival Fever Storms Across The Region

Festival fever has taken the region by storm as the 38th Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival rolls out its 2017 programme. Scotland’s largest rural performing...

Celebrate The Coast With Poetry And Conversation – D&G Arts Festival

Four leading UK poets come together on Saturday to connect the region, through poetry and conversation, with its neighbouring shorelines. Brought to the 2017 Dumfries...
Open Farm Sunday

Family Fun at Open Farm Sunday – Ernespie Farm Castle Douglas

Open Farm Sunday is back at Ernespie Farm, Castle Douglas this weekend, Sunday June 4th at 11.00am until 3.00pm and it promises to be...

New Heights For Dumfries And Galloway Arts Festival

The 38th Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival begins tonight Friday evening and Edinburgh-based theatrical performer Phil Hardie showcased an aerial spectacular in Dumfries’ Dock...