Dumfries and Galloway Charity User and Carer Involvement has been awarded £103,000 over the next three years. The money comes from the National Lottery Community Fund’s programme Grants for Improving Lives.
The charity, which covers the region, aims to ensure that people who have mental illness, dementia or learning disabilities, and their carers have a representative voice and, as a result, see positive changes in their service provision.
The first year’s funding is in response to COVID-19 and will go towards a Learning Disability Development worker and sessional staff to deliver a programme of activities, including art, music, written word. This will help people with learning disabilities to process, adapt, respond, and recover from COVID.
The second and third year’s funding is for two Learning Disability Development workers – one each in the west and east of the region – to develop the service as is needed by the people living in those areas.
Service manager Kalpana Ratnam–Roarty said: “User and Carer Involvement are delighted to be awarded this grant by the National Lottery, as it will enable us to continue our much-needed service across Dumfries and Galloway.”
For more about the charity go to: http://userandcarer.co.uk/