Funding Allocation of Nearly £2m for Energy Efficiency In D&G

Members of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee will meet on Tuesday 11 June and hear about a near £2m allocation for the Energy Efficient Scotland Area Based Scheme (ABS) for 2019/20.

The Scottish Government funded ABS programme has allocated £1,938,227 to the region for the 2019/20 financial year. The scheme aims to reduce fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions for home owners and those living in private rental accommodation. Our Council is responsible for handing the grants on offer, in conjunction with the Energy Agency. Last year, over fifteen and a half thousand homes were assisted through the ABS, equating to over 17,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide being saved, translating to fuel savings of around £4.6 Million.

Money was used on practical improvements in homes such as solid wall insulation, with nearly 200 home owner properties insulated and 23 private rent properties insulated.
Committee Chair, Councillor Andy Ferguson spoke ahead of the meeting on 11 June. He said;
“D&G Council prioritises protecting our most vulnerable people. Schemes such as this allow us to do exactly that. By making improvements to homes throughout the region we’re reducing our carbon footprint and just as importantly, reducing fuel poverty and helping our residents keep their money in their pockets. I welcome this report to committee on 11 June and hope my fellow Members endorse its contents.”

It’s not just individual houses that can benefit from the scheme. Whole street approaches have also been implemented, where a number of households in the one area are identified and worked on simultaneously. This makes the works more affordable to complete and reduces disruption to those having the improvement works carried out.
Grants that can be claimed for improvement works are;
• Flat – Up to £6,500
• Terraced house – Up to £7,000
• Detached and semi-detached house – Up to £7,500

If you think you could be eligible for a grant or are interested in finding out more, visit the Energy Agency website for criteria.

Vice Chairman of the Committee, Councillor John Martin encouraged people to apply. He said;
“This is a fantastic scheme that can really improve the homes of our residents. It’s a big pot of money and I would encourage anyone who thinks it would benefit them to apply. If you’re a private tenant, speak to your landlord and see if it is something you could apply for together, or ask them to look into it.”
The full report will be viewable on the Council website from Tuesday 4 June

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