£5000 ‘You Choose’ challenge is a hit with Wheatley tenants

A community in Dumfries and Galloway has benefited from a fund which they’ve used to install new picnic benches at a local park.


Tenants of Wheatley Homes South, part of Wheatley Group, living in Eastriggs were given funds to spend on environmental and community projects in their area.


Thanks to community benefit donations from building contractor Ashleigh, residents living in the 18 homes at Gillwood Road worked with Wheatley Group’s Stronger Voices tenant engagement team and Wheatley Foundation to decide how to spend the £5000 from the ‘You Choose’ fund.


The ‘You Choose’ fund asks tenants to have their say on how they would like to improve their community.


Residents in Eastriggs voted to pave a section of the park and install picnic benches, which were sourced from a local company.


Emma Robson, 37, lives at Gillwood Road, said: “It’ll be great to have the picnic benches in the better weather, especially for parents.
“I have two children so I understand what it’s like when your kids are too young to wander off by themselves, so parents will now have somewhere to rest while their kids play.
“They will be a great meeting spot and an area to socialise, which will help bring the community together.”
Alan Glasgow, Managing Director of Wheatley Homes South, said: “The ‘You Choose’ challenge is a great way of for customers to decide what they want to see in their community.
“We held a community event, and we loved hearing customers talk so positively about the opportunity this has given them to be involved with Wheatley Homes South.
“Everyone was absolutely delighted with the benches and it’s created a real sense of community as people come together.”

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